remix-mini-e1436965431943Torniamo a parlare di Remix Mini a distanza di mesi per segnalarvi la distribuzione di un nuovo aggiornamento, con cui il sistema operativo viene aggiornato a Remix OS 2.0.510 con build B2016071901.

L’aggiornamento non porta con sé nuove funzioni, ma introduce comunque un sacco di novità a livello di correzioni e miglioramenti generali. E’ scaricabile via OTA direttamente da Remix Mini, ma intanto date uno sguardo al changelog integrale:

  • Fixed issue where the task bar would automatically turn off after rebooting into the system.
  • Fixed issue where uplugging the mouse could result in certain app crashes.
  • Fixed issue where some Unity 3D-powered gaming mouse was not able to click-input.
  • Fixed issue where the “delete” key couldn’t delete files in trash bin.
  • Fixed issue where “ghost” shortcuts of uninstalled apps remained on the desktop.
  • Fixed issue caused by the native screen lock function of some music streaming apps.
  • Fixed issue where Wi-Fi connection was lost in standby mode.
  • Fixed output/input issues related to Bluetooth audio devices with some communication apps.
  • Fixed system crash that occurs when copying large files.
  • Fixed issue where double pressing ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete’ would lead to system reboot.
  • Improved normal boot-up speed to 30 seconds.
  • Removed the ‘Successful exit external devices’ notification after formatting an external storage device in File Manager.
  • Improved the video and image browsing experience
  • Support for copying files and using desktop simultaneously.
  • Support for video calling and using desktop simultaneously.
  • Support for Chrome Switcher that allows Chrome browser to show websites in desktop mode by default.
  • Support for an improved version of Remix Central with more optimized apps available for download.

Mille grazie a LucaZ3 per la segnalazione!