Ouya-AggiornamentoA distanza di appena qualche giorno dalla notizia di un suo arrivo in Italia e ad appena qualche settimana dall’ultimo aggiornamento, OUYA sta ricevendo in queste ore un nuovo aggiornamento, chiamato “Ogopogo”. Si tratta di un aggiornamento davvero importante e che introduce moltissime novità, come riportato nel changelog ufficiale.

Se vi state chiedendo invece il perché di chiamare l’aggiornamento Ogopogo, sappiate che l’azienda ha deciso di rinominare d’ora in poi tutti gli aggiornamenti con il nome di un Criptide e Ogopogo è uno dei tanti animali che ne fanno parte. Detto questo, vi lasciamo al changelog.

  • External Storage will enter Closed Beta next week! Interested in participating? Apply here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jIMULlQuv4BZ1MjWNdZ4mX_R2fyeL3VaMRqGHWMfm34/viewform

  • Added the ability to display video (for game trailers and footage) in the game details page. Developers can now upload videos to Vimeo and submit a link to show that video on their game’s page. If a video exists, it will display in the first screenshot slot.

  • Added the ability to download a game without entering its game details page.  Just press the U button while highlighting a game’s tile to download.

  • Fixed HDMI wakeup issue. If your TV was mysteriously waking up your OUYA, it should no longer do that after this update.

  • Added “forgot password” option to the existing user sign-in screen. Now you’ll actually know where to go, if you can’t remember your password.

  • We’ve changed “Download” to “Free Download” to make it clear that everything is free to try.  Not everyone knew that they wouldn’t be charged for a download, so now it’s crystal clear. It’s free to try ALL THE THINGS.

  • Enlarging a screenshot (or video) now goes full screen (instead of just bigger).

  • We now highlight the search substring when doing a search so it’s much more clear why you are getting each result. We’ve also moved game titles that start with your search to the top of the list. It’s way better.

  • Improved performance (speed and smoothness) in PLAY with lots of installed games.

  • Added a pop up message upon starting the console to remind users how to connect a controller.

  • Changed sorting of buried and installed tiles in DISCOVER. It used to be Uninstalled, followed by Installed and Buried (mixed together). Now it’s Uninstalled, followed by Installed, followed by Buried.

  • Devs: When uploading apks, it’s now more clear that you can use your previously published apk if you just want to edit text or screenshots…. or VIDEO =)

  • Devs: you can now hide or change the mouse cursor in your games and apps.  For more info see the ODK Controllers document.

  • Added Terms of Service to the console. Yup, it’s annoying to click through, but it makes the legal types happier. Think of the lawyers.

  • In case you missed it, multiple currency support is now turned on! If you want to switch your wallet currency, there’s more info here:https://ouya.zendesk.com/entries/26777317-How-can-I-change-the-currency-of-my-OUYA-wallet-

  • A bunch of other small bug fixes and optimizations.
