Non che ce ne fosse ancora bisogno, ma Samsung ha comunque voluto comunicarlo ufficialmente tramite un comunicato stampa. Lo sappiamo ormai da settimane in via ufficiosa, ma Samsung ha deciso in queste ore di confermalo ufficialmente, così da sciogliere eventuali dubbi. La compatibilità con il Galaxy Gear sarà estesa a numerosi altri Galaxy e sarà fatto tramite l’aggiornamento ad Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.

In particolare, il Galaxy Gear sarà compatibile con l’aggiornamento ad Android 4.3 con il Galaxy S4, Galaxy S3 e il Galaxy Note 2, con il roll out che è già iniziato per il primo. Il Galaxy S3 e Note 2 grazie all’aggiornamento vedranno anche dei miglioramenti all’input del testo, alla grafica e alle funzioni multimediali e sarà inoltre aggiunto il supporto a KNOX, SmartSwitch, HomeSync e Group Play.

Ai modelli sopraccitati, si aggiungeranno anche il Galaxy S4 Mini, S4 Active, Mega 5.8, Mega 6.3 e S4 Zoom, tramite un aggiornamento che sarà rilasciato dalla fine di Ottobre, anche se non viene specificato se si tratti di Android 4.3 o meno, ma è lecito ipotizzare di sì. In attesa che Samsung dia il via al rilascio degli aggiornamenti per gli altri Galaxy, vi lasciamo con la nostra video-recensione del Galaxy Gear e con il comunicato stampa.

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Samsung Extends Galaxy Gear Compatibility to Galaxy S III, S4, Note II, and More


October 23, 2013


Samsung provides more users with enhanced flexibility and freedom via extended Galaxy Gear compatibility
Seoul, Korea – Oct 23, 2013 – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. today announced that more Samsung devices will be compatible with Galaxy Gear, a perfect companion device that makes mobile communication easier and more enjoyable.
Galaxy Gear will be available for use with Galaxy S4, S III, and Note II through the Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) update. The update came first to Galaxy S4 devices in Germany in October. Samsung will also extend Galaxy Gear compatibility to other GALAXY devices – including Galaxy S4 mini, S4 Active, Mega 5.8, Mega 6.3, and S4 zoom – through a separate software update beginning at the end of October. Software update schedules for each device will vary by country and carrier.
“Extending Galaxy Gear compatibility to more Galaxy devices reflects our deep commitment to continuing to deliver enriched mobile experiences to our consumers,” said JK Shin, CEO and President of IT & Mobile division, Samsung Electronics. “Through a significant effort to enhance and enrich the Galaxy experience, Samsung continues to empower our users in their mobile lives and enable smart freedom with Galaxy Gear.”
Samsung Galaxy Gear
Galaxy Gear will enable Galaxy S4, S III, and Note II users to make and answer calls and view incoming messages and notifications with just a glance. For a closer look at more important messages, users can simply pick up their master device and the Smart Relay feature instantly reveals the full content. Users can also find major social apps on Samsung Apps to maintain connections to their social networks via Galaxy Gear.
With a 1.9 Megapixel camera, users can snap a visual memo by simply tapping Galaxy Gear’s screen. Photos are then easily and automatically saved in the master device’s gallery. Users can enjoy a built-in Pedometer app and use Galaxy Gear to control the music played on their master devices. Of course the device also functions like a watch, with the option to change the face with 10 different clock options and even more options available via Samsung Apps.
Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) **Update schedule and features may differ by country and carrier.
Samsung Galaxy S4, S III, and Note II will get the Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) update. For Galaxy S III and Note II, new capabilities provide easier text input, and updated graphics and multimedia, as well as new updates to Samsung features and applications, including:
  • Smsung KNOX, a secure and comprehensive mobile solution for enterprises and consumers. (Galaxy S III 3G
     version will get Samsung KNOX with a platform security only in select countries.)
  • Smart Switch to seamlessly transfer content from other smartphones to Samsung devices
  • HomeSync to store, share and enjoy content securely wherever you are
  • Group Play 2.5 with shared video support
