Freschi freschi di aggiornamenti eccovi subito dopo il salto un videoconfronto tra iPhone Os 4.0 (su iPhone 3GS) vs Android 2.2 Froyo (su Nexus One). Ho cercato di non dilungarmi troppo nei discorsi e scusatemi se magari non sono stato troppo chiaro.

Intanto eccovi uno schema delle differenze tra i due os in inglese:

iPhone 4  iOS4 vs. Android 2.2

Feature iOS 4 Android 2.2 Froyo
MultiTouch Phenomenal Multitouch
interface, great UI, unbeatable
Good Multitouch interface, good UI, decent gestures.
Multitasking Yes. Looking closely, apps pause in the background, cripple multi-tasking. Apps except VoIP, Streaming, don’t execute in background, no matter what. Full Multitasking, OS allows full background processing on demand,
kernel controls and kills apps when low on resources.
Push/Cloud Notifications PUSH notifications, cloud notifications to trigger apps. Apart from what iPhone does, Cloud notifications can initiate Intents (Actions) within defined applications. E.g. open a map with a specific route from PC, without touching phone.
Sync/Backup Contacts, email, calendar, apps, music, videos Only via iTunes Wirelessly sync Contacts, email, calendar apps, Apps settings (app
data) over 3g, Wifi. Sync
multiple devices by Automatically getting apps on new phone with same Google
Corporate/Business users
Exchange support, VPN client, email sync, Remote Wipe Exchange support, VPN client, email sync, Remote Wipe plus Open API
(Device Admin API) for further extending the scope.
App Installation From app Store or via USB
iTunes sync
From Marketplace or remotely from PC/Mac via Online marketplace.
Choose any Android phone (if you have multiple) and app gets installed
Music download/Sync iTunes via USB or iTunes store on iphone. Over the Air (OTA) transfer to phone without touching the phone from
PC or via any 3rd party stores.
Stream Music from PC to phone Use 3rd party apps New Official plugin (Simplified media) works with iTunes, Windows
media player and lets you stream any media onDemand right to your Android
Gaming Much bigger,better gaming
Small gaming base, but newer, powerful OpenGL APIs, and Dalvik VM JIT are making Android more
powerful for all the existing and future apps.
Game Social Networks Xbox Live alike social
network for iPhone gamers
Internet Browser Safari Browser is decent on speeds Nexus one
was already faster than iPhone 3GS
OS 4.0, Android 2.2 makes Javascript run 2-4x times faster using Chrome’s V8 engine making it World’s Fastest Mobile Browser. And Froyo support Flash Player 10.1 with Multitouch
No. Of Apps Nearly 180,000 50,000
App Updates Individual, Update all at a time Individual, Update all, Automatic App updates as soon as update
becomes available
App Performance No App performance improvements in 4.0 from 3.1.3 or 3.1.x Dalvik VM’s JIT (Just in time compiler) is now enabled, all existing apps (which already run fast vs. iPhone) would run 2x – 4x times faster than Android 2.1
App Feedback/Crash Reports Users can rate the Apps and judge based on that Users can see Ratings, Failures, Crashes and Complete Java StackTrace of failures
Tethering Bluetooth + USB. Wifi only on Jailbroken devices USB + Wifi out of the box. No word on bluetooth
Turn by turn Navigation Good apps available, but not for free Google Maps Navigation is the most superior navigation app, yet, free
eBook reading Superior iBooks + Kindle reader Inferior 3rd party apps, Kindle coming soon.
UI customizations: Widgets, Skins, themes Only wallpapers Everything: Themes, Widgets, Skins, Multi-Screen Wallpapers
Hardware access from Browser GPS location via GeoLocation API Upcoming access to magnetometer, accelerometer, GPS, Camera,
microphone and more
Integrated Search Search email, sms, app names instantly Google search, apps, search within apps (when supported by app)
Notifications Decent Notification manager, can get annoying. Notifications hide smartly and are easily accessible when needed.
