Plex sta ricevendo in queste ore un nuovo aggiornamento che lo porta alla versione 5.2 con parecchie novità, la più importante delle quali riguarda la sincronia, una funzione disponibile esclusivamente per gli utenti che dispongono di una sottoscrizione Plex Pass.

Una delle principali carenze del sistema di sincronizzazione, che permette di fruire dei propri contenuti anche offline, era finora l’assenza di supporto per gli adoptable storage che impediva di fatto di salvare i contenuti su memorie esterne configurate in tale maniera. Ricordiamo che si tratta di una funzione introdotta con Android 6.0 Marshmallow che consente di utilizzare una memoria esterna come se fosse una interna, formattandola e crittografandola allo stesso modo.

Non si fermano qui però le novità di Plex 5.2 che propone un changelog molto lungo che comprende sia alcune funzioni per i dispositivi mobili, sia per Android TV che per i vari client delle smart TV. Qui sotto vi riportiamo il changelog integrale con la lunghissima lista di cambiamenti.


  • Update Audio Player to improve the visibility of Lyrics.
  • [Sync] Add support for Adoptable Storage.
  • [Android TV] Jump to Library hub when switching location from Locations picker.
  • [Mobile] Add options menu to search results.
  • [TV] For troubleshooting, unavailable servers can now be selected.
  • [TV] The app does not fall back to insecure connection by default.
  • [TV] Sign Out will clear all user settings.
  • [TV] Servers in a list now have Nearby/Remote connection status.


  • Playing an audio track on mobile would halve it’s star rating.
  • “Camera roll” would show in Navigation Menu when disabled in settings.
  • App could crash when attempting to play a file from a server that was no longer available.
  • Mini-player would obscure the undo popup when removing an item from a playlist or queue.
  • Upgrade ExoPlayer to r1.5.12.
  • Minor improvements to the sign in/sign up screens.
  • Playing a combined “photos and videos” library would sometimes open the wrong player.
  • Remove orange dot in home when there is only one in-progress item.
  • [Sync] Minor UI improvements in sync screen.
  • [Sync] Don’t show ‘add to sync’ option for playlist folders.
  • [Sync] Updating the progress notification would crash the app in some devices.
  • [TV] It was sometimes impossible to go back to the TV layout after having switched to the Mobile layout.
  • [Android TV] Resuming playback from pause would sometimes require two clicks on the play button.
  • [Android TV] App could crash opening preplay screen under certain circumstances.
  • Avoid duplication of music in search when album title and artist name are the same.
  • Reduce left padding on episodes grid in season preplays.
  • [TV] Playing the last album track second time now fixed.
  • [TV] Fixed playing a photo library.
  • [TV] Fixed cursor glitch on a music mini-player.
  • [TV] Disabled prev/next details navigation when going down from photo container.
  • [TV] Vertical poster list items now have watch progress indicator too.

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