Ci sono valute alcune beta, ma la nuova versione 31 di Action Launcher adesso è disponibile al download per tutti quanti e non più solo per gli iscritti al programma di beta-tesing.
Le novità di Action Launcher 31 sono moltissime, ma questo non ci sorprende considerato che ogni suo aggiornamento è ricco di nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti. Il changelog completo è visualizzabile qua sotto:
- NEW: Full support for Android 8.0’s shortcut and widget pinning from external apps, allowing for, as an example, Chrome to add a url shortcut to the Home screen. Please note that as per Android 8.0’s changes, shortcuts and widgets will only be added when Action Launcher is the default system launcher.
- NEW: Essential Phone support.
- IMPROVEMENT: Update translations, including fixing order of items on At a Glance widget.
- CHANGE: Animated clock app icon animates just the hour and minute hands. This both matches Pixel Launcher 2, as well as improving performance.
- CHANGE: The “Icon style” setting has been depreciated. This functionality has been superseded by Adaptive Icon support, and also failed to work on Oreo. Customizing individual icon styles is still available on a per-app basis via Quickedit.
- FIX: Fixed App Shortcuts not working on Android 7.1+ devices for apps that target old versions of Android (such as Textra and Telegram).
- FIX: Fix certain shortcuts becoming invisible after picking them up and quickly putting them down again.
- FIX: Fix appearance of items in All Apps drawer when App Shortcuts UI displays.
- FIX: Fix height of status bar on devices such as Essential Phone and Pixel 2 XL.
- FIX: Fix intermittent crash when rotating the device with the Quickdrawer open.
- FIX: Fix issue where a Shutter’s widget would sometimes not display correctly.
- FIX: Fix Shutter reverting to its previous name upon app reboot after being renamed via the open Shutter panel.
- FIX: Fix centering of cursor in All Apps drawer.
- FIX: Fix centering of search box preview in Quickbar settings.
- FIX: Fix crash when attempting to colorize Quickbar icons.
- FIX: Fix appearance of menu button on Quickbar on Android 5.1 and earlier.
- FIX: Fix issue where removing the last Cover/folder from a Home screen page would sometimes also fail to also remove the now empty Home screen.
- FIX: Fix At a Glance widget preview displaying on update overview.
- FIX: Fix single grey line appearing at the bottom of the settings page.
Oltre alle tante correzioni e ai molti miglioramenti generali, troviamo l’integrazione del font “Product Sans”, il supporto a Essential Phone PH-1, il supporto ai collegamenti e widget in evidenza di Oreo e, soprattutto, le cartelle adattive, in grado di seguire lo stile scelto per le icone.
L’aggiornamento, che porta Action Launcher alla versione 31, è già disponibile al download dal Play Store per tutti, pertanto non perdete tempo e cliccate sul badge qua sotto per scaricarlo nel vostro dispositivo.