Tira aria di “secessione” in casa Samsung: la casa madre ha infatti creato una sussidiaria separata chiamata Samsung Display che comincia ufficialmente le operazioni oggi. La nuova branca di Samsung, controllata al 100% da Samsung Electronics, già alla sua creazione è “il più grande produttore di display al mondo” con 20’000 impiegati e cinque stabilimenti di produzione nel mondo. Si parlava da tempo di questa mossa, ma è stata ufficializzata solo ieri – un giorno prima dell’inizio delle operazioni della nuova realtà. Il nuovo presidente Donggun Park ha affermato che questa mossa permetterà alla compagnia di rimanere leader nei display. Non si sa se Samsung Display si occuperà anche delle tecnologie OLED e AMOLED, che finora sono state sviluppate da Samsung Mobile.

Samsung ricalca quanto già fatto da LG, che creò LG Display nel 1999 come joint venture con Philips. Vedremo se questa mossa potrà portare fortuna alla società koreana o si rivelerà un buco nell’acqua, e quali ripercussioni avrà sul mobile. Speriamo in un potenziamento della ricerca e della produzione per avere più dispositivi con schermi AMOLED!

[spoiler title=”Comunicato stampa”]The World’s Largest Display Manufacturer,

Samsung Display is Launched

SEOUL, Korea – April 2, 2012 – Samsung Display Co., Ltd, a global leader in display panel technologies
and products, announced today that it has been officially launched as a new corporation, spun off from
Samsung Electronics. Samsung Display held its inauguration ceremony yesterday and will begin business
operations in earnest after carrying out incorporation registration on April 3.

Donggun Park, executive vice president and head of the former Samsung Electronics’ LCD Business
was elected CEO of Samsung Display. The company, which recorded 22.7 trillion KRW (approximately 20
billion U.S. dollars) in annual revenue in 2011 as Samsung Electronics’ LCD Business, became the world’s
largest display manufacturer overnight, based on its 20,000 employees and five production facilities

Park said at the inauguration ceremony, “We will make Samsung Display a well-respected company
through continuous efforts to supply a wide variety of customized products that provide great value to our
customers.” He added, “By continually staying one step ahead of our competitors, we can make our
company the very best in the display market.”

More than 350 employees attended the inauguration ceremony. At the inauguration, many reflected
on the success of Samsung Electronics’ LCD Business over the past 21 years and expressed a widespread
determination to once again become ‘The No. 1 Global Display Manufacturer’.

Samsung Display began as an R&D arm of Samsung Electronics in 1991 and has developed and
released some of the world’s most creative and innovative displays for two decades. Now, as a separate
corporation, it will respond to rapidly changing market conditions more efficiently, while providing timely, well-
differentiated products and services this year and well into the future.

About Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

Samsung Display Co., Ltd. is a global leader in display panel technologies and products. Employing approximately
20,000 people at its five production facilities and five sales offices worldwide, Samsung Display specializes
in high-quality displays for consumer, mobile, IT and industrial usage. For more information, please visit