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[ROM] Official Beanstalk Nougat Builds per HTC 10

Discussione in 'ROM e KERNEL per HTC 10' iniziata da Paulpier007, 19 Mar 2017.

  1. Paulpier007

    Paulpier007 Bronze Droid

    24 Ott 2012
    "Mi Piace":


    Beanstalk è una ROM creata da scotthartbti. Ha incorporato le ultime caratteristiche in aggiunta a quella della CM e fornisce all'utente un'interfaccia pulita.

    • Cyanogenmod based
    • Built-in Task Manager switcher
    • OnTheGo Mode
    • App Circle bar
    • System UI Tuner
    • Quicker system animations
    • Trimmed down fat and excess bloat
    • Option to enable all widgets
    • Numerous extra lock screen options
    • LCD Density
    • Custom original BeanStalk Wallpapers by skyliner33v
    • Custom BeanStalk boot animation by skyliner33v
    • 3-minit battery support
    • Clock and date options
    • Contextual Header - Original and Polygraphic
    • Battery styles - Includes specific colors and styles. Also includes battery bar
    • Do not disturb option
    • Show notification count
    • Recent screen options
    • Customizable navigation bar
    • Use Omniswitch as default recent
    • Built-in screen record
    • Toast animations
    • App Circle bar
    • Gesture Anywhere
    • Disable FC warnings
    • Disable Immersive message
    • Force expanded Notifications
    • Configure scrolling cache
    • Build.prop MOD options to enable/disable tweaks as preferred
    • Less frequent Notification sounds options
    • CRT screen off/on options to specify how the animation shows
    • Enable/disable wake up on charge option
    • Superuser fully embedded into the build and accessed from settings menu
    • CM Performance options and features
    • Hide superuser icon
    • Developer options and advanced reboot enabled by default
    • Numerous cherry-picks and improvements throughout the build.. baked into the*
    • awesomeness of existing CM layout.

    1. Bootloader sbloccato e S-OFF (raccomandato);
    2. Avere installata l’ultima versione di TWRP 3.x.x-x;
    3. Scaricare la ROM;
    4. Scarica ARM64 - Android 7.1.x OpenGApps - Nano;
    5. Copiare i file sulla vostra SD-Card esterna;
    6. Reboot in TWRP Recovery;
    7. Pulire il sistema, i dati, la cache e la cache ART;
    8. Flash ROM;
    9. Flash Gapps;
    10. Riavviare il sistema.


    Se al riavvio dovesse chiedere la password di Android (problema noto a causa dell’encryption) bisognerà riavviare il telefono fino a ritornare in modalità TWRP Recovery e formattare la sola PARTIZIONE DATA (Wipe->Format Data ->yes) e riavviare il telefono.

    Buon modding :wink:

    Indice delle ROM

    Ultima modifica: 26 Mar 2017
    A uLtiMo125 piace questo elemento.